Code your first game

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Code your first game

Post last updated: February 22, 2024

Why did it take this course?

Before I got my current job I was coding for at least 10 hours per day even on weekends. I use to divide my coding days into two sections. In the morning, I was taking some udemy course and coding along or just watching it and in the afternoon, I was coding my projects.

Even though it was a nice plan because I was not just doing tutorials but learning with my projects too at some point I felt I was going to have my first burnout.

To prevent that, I decide that on weekend I was going to code or learn something that was not related to the topics I was learning on weekdays. So, even if it felt like a break from learning, it was not.

So I decided to look at some free courses on udemy and that is how I found this awesome course where you can learn to code your own game.

About the course

This course is just two hours long but very well organized and Chris, who by the way has been making games for more than 23 years, has a nice way of teaching.

You can check his udemy profile with all his links clicking right (here)[].

During the course, you can learn the fundamentals of game development and code your first game, the classic but always beloved tennis game.

What you will learn

This is what you will learn during the course

  • Learn design from a fun classic that people know and enjoy.
  • Start your practice today – now! – without waiting for an idea.
  • Understand every line of code used in the entire program.
  • Avoid distraction from searching for or creating detailed art.
  • Master fundamentals are needed to make your games better.
  • Prerequisite
  • A computer (Windows, Mac, or Linux).
  • Basic HTML & CSS and JavaScript

My thought about this course

I enjoyed it a lot, the whole course was so good and full of knowledge that is hard to believe it is just two hours long.

As I said before this course can help you sharpen your JavaScript skills and take it to the next level by realizing how much you can do if you know your way around.

I liked it so much that halfway through I bought another course that Chris has in Udemy called (How to Program Games: Tile Classics in JS for HTML5 Canvas )[]. and I will talk about a future post.

There are no reasons why you should not take this course. Even if you are not interested in game development or these skills are not part of your daily work, I think this is a great way of spending two hours doing something cool and learning at the same time.